About Us

About BTS Spark – btsspark.org

BTS Spark is the social impact education practice of BTS, a multi-award-winning global leadership consultancy. We know school leaders change lives, but that every individual and their context is different, so our coaching support is personalised to help each one feel confident, resourceful and fully capable.

We partner with schools, school districts and educational leadership institutes to support principals, school leaders and teachers to develop their skills in areas such as people leadership, giving feedback, emotional intelligence, building confidence, coaching, personal resilience, and other topics covered in our latest book, Embracing MESSY Leadership. Our curriculum outlines 33 leadership mindsets that bring about sustained improvements in practice. We can deliver this leadership development flexibly, through coaching, group coaching and workshops – enabling school leaders to access impactful, high-quality development at not-for-profit prices. Our vision is for all students and teachers to benefit from empowered, supported school leadership.

Press releases

New book: Embracing MESSY Leadership – How the experience of 20,000...

Chicago and Sydney: BTS Spark – a global leadership development initiative offering coaching support to school leaders at not-for-profit... read more

20.05.2024 • By BTS Spark
